X and O's Valentines Wall Hanging

I think this is a fun, modern way to show your Valentine's Day spirit and it was very easy to do!


- 4 branches (I used birch, but plain wood with a light coating of white paint would work.)

- 2 wreath forms (I used styrofoam forms and wrapped them in birch ribbon below, but grapevine wreaths painted white would work just as well.)

- Birch patterned ribbon (you won't need this if you go with the painted version mentioned above.)

- Red raffia

- Red burlap


Cut all your sticks to the same length, making them slightly longer than the wreaths.  My wreaths were 14" diameter and I cut my sticks to 16".

Cross two sticks to make and X and use the raffia to tie them to each other.  Do the same with the other two sticks.

If you're using the birch ribbon, wrap each wreath form with the ribbon, holding the ends in place with pins.  If you're using grapevine wreaths, just paint them white so they match your sticks.

 Cut a 12" wide piece of burlap the height of your area, I roughly matched my door height.  Cut a second piece that is 6" wide.  Layer the pieces, wide on the bottom, narrow on top, and use a staple gun to attach them to the wall or door.

Hang your X's and O's one above the other using a small nail that goes though the burlap and into your wall.

Stand on your front porch and blow kisses to  your neighbors.